About marunfive
We contemplate and create everything for the comfort of my body.
We are the MarunFive.
marunfive history
Marun5 History and Awards List
여성 보정속옷 브랜드 SAKK 라인 출시
Released shapewear brand for women, ASKK
기업부설 디자인 연구소 설립
Established corporate design R&D center
여성 고기능성 타이즈 onggings, sakk 라인 출시
Released the high functional women’s tights,
ONGGINGS, under the line of ASKK
한국 여성재단 ‘힘내라 딸들아 캠페인’ 위생팬티 파트너십 납품(1차)
Supplied period underwear for “Campaign: Cheer up, daughters”
by Korea Foundation for Women under the partnership (First)
기능성 홈웨어 브랜드 zamhada 라인 출시
Released functional home-wear brand line,
고기능성 체형 맞춤 스타킹 넉넉 4499 라인 출시
Released high-functional stocking line for different physiques,
와디즈 스타킹 부문 역대펀딩 1위, 14836% / 1.5억 달성
The stocking with the highest fund, 14836%,
received at Wadiz/ Check out the project that made 150 million won
한국 여성재단 ‘힘내라 딸들아 캠페인’ 위생팬티 파트너쉽 납품(2차)
Supplied period underwear for “Campaign: Cheer up, daughters”
by Korea Foundation for Women under the partnership (Second)
한국 여성재단 ‘힘내라 딸들아 캠페인’ 위생팬티 파트너십 납품(3차)
Supplied period underwear for “Campaign: Cheer up, daughters”
by Korea Foundation for Women under the partnership (Third)
벤처기업 인증 취득 by 중소벤처기업진흥공단
Received venture enterprise recognition
from KOSME
원활한 물류가 가능한 대형 물류센터 준공 및 이전
Transfer and establishment of a large logistics center for the better shipment
심리스 고기능성 언더웨어 schier 라인 출시
Released SCHIER line,
the high-functional seamless underwear
기술평가 우수기업 인증 취득 by NICE평가정보
Recognized as a company with excellent technology
from NICE Rating
와디즈 언더웨어 부문 역대펀딩 1위 30500%/1.5억 달성
Received the highest fund in Wadiz underwear category with 30500%/Reached 150 million won
고기능성 발열내의 히트터치 라인 확장 (Extra warm/In and out)
Expanded the product line of high-functional and heat-generating undergarment,
HEAT-TOUCH (Extra warm/In and out)
마른파이브 x 와디즈, 총 4회 펀딩 누적 펀딩률 123,193% / 6.9억 달성
Marun5 x Wadiz, accumulated funding rate of 184,102% in four funding project/ Reached 1 Billion won
마른파이브 해외 브랜드 홈페이지 오픈
Opened Marun5 brand website for abroad
신세계 tv쇼핑 콜라보 런칭
Collaborative launching with Shinsege TV shopping
We were chosen as the best maker in Wadiz for having the first place in the underwear category by reaching an accumulated fund amounting to 1 billion won for NUKKNUKK stocking and SCHIER line
We were chosen as the best maker in Wadiz for having the first place in the underwear category by reaching an accumulated fund amounting to 1 billion won for NUKKNUKK stocking and SCHIER line
We received excellent marks (T-4) and were recognized as an excellent firm for having technology in developing and manufacturing high-functional underwear.
We received excellent marks (T-4) and were recognized as an excellent firm for having technology in developing and manufacturing high-functional underwear.
Recognition as Korea Women Enterprise Certification from Ministry of SME’s and Startups, Kyeong-gi Local District
Women Enterprise Recognition
Recognition as Korea Women Enterprise Certification from Ministry of SME’s and Startups, Kyeong-gi Local District
Women Enterprise Recognition
Recognized as a venture business
We received the venture business recognition, as we have an excellent functional design technology and quality fabric.
Consumer Satisfaction Brand Award
With an innovative product that improved discomfort and customer communication, we were selected as the no.1 underwear company among the customer satisfaction brands.
Registered the design right of SMIM panty
We filed a patent application for the functional design of SMIM panty, the high-functional period underwear, and successfully registered the patent.