About marunfive
We contemplate and create everything for the comfort of my body.
We are the MarunFive.
who we are
about marunfive
Marun5 is online commerce company that improves discomfort in our everyday lives from creative perspective.
We study design and functionality
for our comfortable days.
Marun5 study design and functionality of the products to bring improvements to discomfort that we’re familiar with. We develop different products that contain functionality and values of Marun5 from underwear that we wear 24hours daily, home-wears, and easy-wears.
Marun 5, the company that understands women
and is led by women
Marun5 was recognized as a women's enterprise in 2018.
Our company understands women.
We carefully and precisely redesign women’s products
from the perspective of women.
We put all our efforts into women to have more comfortable days.
Carefully for perfection.
We pursue quality rather than speed.
We don’t release products to go with the trend.
All our team members put efforts and heads together, going through numerous meetings, samplings, fitting, and quality checks to make more comfortable and durable products.